Friday, July 27, 2012

Reflections of The Dark Knight Rises

Well, I hope you are one of the millions who saw this movie because it was awesome., but still awesome and epic. I've heard others talk about how the Nolan Batman trilogy as one story is near perfection and that this latest movie is superb, though not necessarily better than The Dark Knight. I must say, I did like The Dark Knight better (probably due to Heath Ledger's Joker).

From here on out, spoiler alert.

So, let's break it down.  Pros and cons style.

  1. Awesome performances.  Bale is now my favorite Bruce Wayne.  The scenes that made him the top spot was his scenes with Alfred.  Great job.  Even Anne Hathaway did a great job as Selina Kyle.  She was able to balance the sultry and tenderness.  Bane was definitely great.  A physical and emotional powerhouse.  However there were some issues here (save that for later).
  2. The ending.  Near perfect.  Nicely wraps up Bruce Wayne's story and still leaves the legend of the Batman open to be continued by "Robin."
  1. Unnecessary.  Certain pieces felt unnecessary.  For example, the plane crash at the beginning.  Did we really need to know about Dr. Pavel?  Was the character really necessary to show us that no one could fix the reactor? 
  2. Predictable.  C'mon, we all knew Miranda Tate was Talia al Ghul.  I feel like they forced Bruce and her getting together to make her betrayal mean more.  But c'mon, who didn't see that coming even for those who have no knowledge of the comics. 

Overall, one of the best comic book movies (hell, movie in general) that I've seen.  Sure, it could've been streamlined and had a bit less predictability, but it was still a work of art. 

So, where does the Bat-franchise go from here?  That is for another blog.

Intro to this blog

Well, I am completely a newbie to blogging, but I thought it'd be a fun hobby.

So, what will this blog be about?  A sounding board of all my interests (comics, pop culture, psychology, food) all through the lens of a growing professional and family man.  If anything, this is just an opportunity to leave a footprint for others to understand who I am.
